Dedicated to All Who Serve

The 2024 winner of the OV-1 scholarship is again Lily Ann Keutzer, grandchild of Kendall Keutzer. She is from Arlington Illinois and attends Indiana State University. This is her second year as a winner of our scholarship. Congratulations to her.
The OV-1 Mohawk Association Scholarship Program
There have been a few questions about the scholarship program with the OV-1 Mohawk Association. I thought that I could provide more information to our members on how it works. I spoke with Joanne of Quad-a, for more information.
It is maintained and provided by the Army Aviation Association of America, which is also known as Quad-a. Quad-a, provides a perpetual endowment fund that allows us to give an annual scholarship.
To qualify you must be a spouse, sibling, child or grandchild of a member of the OV-1 Association, or a deceased member. The application requires a Quad-a membership. Either the veteran or the student must be a member of Quad-a. The veteran’s Quad-a number may be used for any scholarships in the family. If the student applies, then only they can use their Quad-a number. There are time requirements on the process. Applications are accepted from 9/1 to 12/15. All information needs to be completed with the application. The one exception is the fall grades which must be received by 1/12. The reviews of the applications start in March and the scholarship winner is announced in May. Joanne indicated that some information is important, the reference letter, a complete transcript and the essay. She stated that the essay can be the deciding factor, so spend some time and think out of the box on it.
To learn more and apply go to: www.quad-a.org/scholarship.
If you would like to donate to this scholarship fund, you can send a check (payable to the OV 1 Mohawk Association) to me. Our balance is currently around $44,000. When our balance reaches $57,200 we can increase the annual scholarship to $2,000 or even provide for two $1,000 scholarships per year.
Les Shaw